Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Complaint Filed Against Balcones del Atlantico

Roseate Spoonbills (top, in the Dominican Republic) and Whistling Ducks (bottom, in Grand Cayman) may be some of the birds affected.

On January 12, 2009, I filed a complaint against Balcones del Atlantico through their P.R. person in town. The complaint was based on information (which has been documented), that hundreds of tons of "caliche" were thrown on a wetland that allegedly is part of the routing of migratory birds. If proven the action would be against current Dominican laws.

The complaint in Spanish appears at http://terraccion.blogspot.com/2009/02/protesta-contra-balcones-del-atlantico.html. Basically it demands the following:
1) to make public the environmental impact permits that they may have, provided by the Secretary of the Environment;
2) to stop any further filling of the wetland, preventing further damage if any is found;
3) to request from the Secretary of the Environment a certification (environmental impact) that alleged damaged have not occurred, but if damages have occurred that they implement corrective and preventive measures to prevent further damages.

Furthermore, the complaint indicates regrets that the company did not incorporate characteristics of the environment (such as the Wetlands) into its original design using a conservation approach. It is different to use conservation and preservation instead of exploitation and remedial actions after the fact.

The complaint was sent to Balcones del Atlántico through its local PR person, as well as to the Secretary of the Environment via two different offices. The complaint was also sent to national and international organizations that address environmental issues. It is understood that SEMARENA (the Secretariat of the Environment) has studied and is considering due action of some sort.

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